Tales of the Chai Makhani Trio is a serialized science fiction adventure story available both as a podcast and in eBook and print. All episodes are now available!
For the podcast, visit https://anchor.fm/kate-macleod3.
Tales of the Chai Makhani Trio Volume 1, containing all episodes, is now available in eBook or print.
Episode List:
Episode 1: A Tanjo, Two Knives and Three Cups of Chai Makhani
Episode 2: The Maze and the Maw
Episode 3: In the Jungle of a Thousand Easy Deaths
Episode 4: Prisoners and Rebels
Episode 5: The Hidden Spaceport
Episode 7: Running the Blockade
Episode 8: The Perilous Escape
Episode 9: Players in the Long Game
Episode 10: The Race Across the Desert