At the center of the known world lies a village with no name. Few traverse the heart of the Sea of Grass, fewer still stray from the main road. But from time to time a traveler loses the way back to civilization and find themselves in this strange village.
Such as a man with a broken sword and the tattoos of one of the bandit tribes. More dead than alive, the villagers leave him to the care of the last ward they took in.
Just a girl when she appeared among them, a woman now, she never speaks a word. But everyone hides their own secrets, especially those who live in hidden villages.
“Sword and Tattoo,” a fantasy short story which originally appeared in the ages of Mythic Delirium.
The eBook of this short story is in the following collection:
Published: August 5, 2018
Available in: eBook (epub and mobi), Paperback
eBook 978-1-946552-80-8
Paperback 978-1-946552-81-5
Or use the ISBNs above to request a copy from your local library!